Friday, July 25, 2008


SNP gain from Labour
Majority 365


Re-count is being called for with talk of a majority of 354 for the SNP.

The two CURRAN candidates seems to be the problem.

The SSP vote being greater than the majority for the SNP then the SSP votes need to be looked at for any Labour votes that might be in the wrong pile.


Talk of a majority of around 1000 for the SNP

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Turnout is 42% (6% down on the general election) and most of the talk is of a SNP win.

Many highs and few lows for Nationalists

IF THE SNP don't pull off a self-styled "political earthquake" in Glasgow East today, it won't be for want of trying.

Candidate John Mason, as he did in an interview with The Herald last week, was talking about the privilege of fighting a winnable seat, which still sounds a strange boast in territory Labour holds by more than 13,500 votes.

Labour's final event yesterday was a speech to the party faithful outside an empty bingo hall. Last Friday, Alex Salmond and his candidate had a captive audience inside the venue. SNP strategists saw this as a metaphor for their respective campaigns.

Alex Salmond has been out campaigning publicly 10 times in support of the candidate, calling it a battle of ideas and a contest between two governments.

The Herald put it to him yesterday that if his party came up short he might feel his authority as First Minister was damaged.

"We are predicating this campaign on victory, but I would rather be a political leader who was able to support his candidate in a contest, rather than one who was forced to stay away or send other party leaders into the constituency incognito," he said.

There have been plenty of highs and very few lows in the Nationalist campaign. From the beginning Labour was in disarray over the reasons for the resignation of David Marshall and the disastrous selection process that followed.

When Margaret Curran emerged as candidate and launched in Shettleston she made a crucial slip, saying she had lived and worked in the east end all her life, when it was well known she lived on the city's south side.

After that Ms Curran made few slips, but her campaign team did. Little things, like accidentally writing to the SNP candidate or phoning up the SNP deputy leader, but enough to bolster Nationalist confidence.

The newspaper mole inside Labour's campaign told of disillusion and disarray, while the SNP had floods of activists which Labour has only begun to match in the final days of the campaign.

The SNP claims to have knocked on 120,000 doors, each one three times; to have conjured up 4700 activist days, with many individual days peaking at well over 500 individuals.

To keep them happy there were burgers and curry and 17,000 cups of tea, so they put out more than half a million leaflets or letters and they were backed up by a cabinet secretary every day.

There was one gaffe, when a leaflet came back from the printers and police officers in a photograph with Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill were much more identifiable than expected. The leaflet was withdrawn, but Labour spotted the error and an apology had to be issued through the police federation.

Other times when Labour scented blood, its Nationalist opponents were relaxed. A week out from polling day Labour seized on remarks by Mr Mason that he could see little difference between Margaret Thatcher, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown.

There was much cranked-up indignation in Labour ranks and a leaflet stating: "Whose side is he really on?"

It was in black and yellow, SNP colours, with a photo of the SNP candidate. It broke all the rules which say you should never put out a leaflet which punters will simply mistake for one of your opponents'. It served simply to put a spring in Nationalist steps.

Did the Thatcher/Brown issue hurt the SNP? If it did, then they themselves could scarcely have choreographed a better finale, with the Conservatives at Westminster leaking proposals of a government welfare reform green paper because they said it was chock-full of Tory ideas.

Then there was yesterday's revelation that when Gordon Brown invited Margaret Thatcher to 10 Downing Street he also gave her a gift of silverware worth £140. Was an SNP mole at Whitehall making this stuff up?

It meant that the final batch of half-a-million leaflets showed the photograph on the steps of No 10 with a quote from Clydeside legend Jimmy Reid: "Any doubt I had that Labour has lost touch with its roots was cast aside forever when I watched Gordon Brown cosying up to Margaret Thatcher in Downing Street last year."

Mr Reid was there yesterday for the SNP's final press conference in Easterhouse. "How ya' doin' son," he said gruffly, delighting the First Minister.

See the full article at The Herald

D-Day in Glasgow East – and every vote counts

THE battle for Glasgow East looked like going down to the wire last night, with the SNP claiming the race was "neck and neck" and Downing Street predicting a Labour victory by about 1,000 votes.

Alex Salmond, the First Minister, maintained the "ground was shaking and shuddering" as a political earthquake approached, but sources close to Gordon Brown, the Prime Minister, were quietly confident.

On the ground, Margaret Curran, the Labour candidate, took to a soapbox outside a bingo hall in the East End and – accompanied by a piper – rallied her supporters to secure every last vote.

A straw poll by The Scotsman provided further evidence that the result was on a knife-edge, with talk of a complex mix of general voter apathy, long-term Labour loyalty, and disgruntlement over 11 years of New Labour and the rise in the cost of living.

This is despite the seat being – at least on paper – Labour's third safest in Scotland, after it won a 13,507 majority at the 2005 general election.

Voters were being inundated yesterday with personal letters from both Labour and the SNP. Ms Curran portrayed her SNP rival, John Mason, as a "hardline" Nationalist, while the SNP emphasised the links between Mr Brown and Margaret Thatcher, whom the Prime Minister had to tea at Downing Street last year.

Labour said it planned to knock on 1,000 doors and claimed to have 200 activists on the ground – a number it hoped to double to 400 for polling today.

Ms Curran, a Labour MSP for nine years, has attempted to fight the by-election on her own record and divert attention from Labour's unpopularity at Westminster.

She told applauding supporters yesterday: "A number of weeks ago, I promised that the Labour fightback was about to start. The Labour fightback is under way, and we are on our way.

"My message to every voter in the East End is this: use your vote to elect a fighter who will stand up for you. I promise that if I am elected, that work will start on Friday morning."

She sought to puncture the hyperbole of Mr Salmond, saying: "I think a lot of people would thank me if I got to wipe the smile off his face somewhat."

As the final day of campaigning continued, sources close to the Prime Minister told The Scotsman that he was "completely relaxed" about the by-election result.

Insiders are predicting a repeat of the 2004 by-election in Hamilton South, where Labour's majority was slashed from nearly 16,000 to 556, as well as the contest in Falkirk West in 2000 where Labour's lead was cut from 13,783 to 705.

One source said: "The feeling we get from people on the ground is that we will be looking at a similar result. It is the middle of the holiday, and there are people who are p***** off about fuel and the cost of living, but we are relaxed about the outcome and expect to win. People are not voting for a government at a general election."

The SNP held its final media call yesterday afternoon, but the mood was noticeably less confident than during a visit to the Fort shopping centre the previous day.

However, Mr Salmond told reporters that the race was "neck and neck". He said an SNP victory would be "extraordinary" in a seat that, on paper, was listed as safer than Mr Brown's parliamentary constituency of Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath. He said: "I think there are very few Labour MPs in Scotland who are sleeping soundly these days."

Mr Salmond maintained the poll would be a "contrast between two governments" and allowed a focus on the "failures of the London Labour government over an 11-year period and the intense disappointment in the performance of Gordon Brown's administration".

He added: "In terms of the political earthquake, which I have detected through the campaign, let me say the ground is shaking and shuddering. I think the earthquake is coming and will arrive on schedule tomorrow. I think this is the epicentre."

Voters opt for apathy as parties 'bombard' constituency

MARGARET Curran, the Labour candidate, stood outside the Mecca Bingo Hall in the heart of the East End yesterday to deliver her "one last push" rallying cry to her loyal team.

But as the final hours of the campaign ticked away, it was difficult to see if the work of any of the parties had made a difference to the regulars.

As they wandered in for the afternoon bingo session, there were those who had taken the SNP's message to heart. One woman admitted: "The SNP has swayed me. I've been a life-long Labour supporter, but this time I'll be switching."

Others, like Hugh Sinclair, a 22-year-old ex-soldier, were already sold on the SNP message: "This is going to be the first time I've voted. I want independence for Scotland, that's the main factor in deciding how I'll vote."

However, of those spoken to, support for the SNP was less pronounced than the engrained support for Labour.

One woman leaving the hall said: "I have been a traditional Labour supporter, and I was not going to vote this time round. But having seen the way the SNP have gone about it, I will be voting tomorrow and so will my friends – there's too much at risk."

Elizabeth Sanders was of similar mind: "I have always voted Labour. I have grandchildren and I have to think about the future I want for them."

One man was more blunt: "The SNP's policies are garbage. They won't do anything here. People will just keep voting Labour."

Above all, though, apathy ruled.

As one Mecca staff member said: "It's been really intense here, we've been bombarded. But it doesn't interest me and I'm still not going to vote.

"It's been the same with the people coming in to play. You speak to them and they're just not interested."

See the full article at The Scotsman

Good coverage from Glasgow East

See some good coverage from Glasgow East at Indygal in Europe! Blog

Lib Dem petition to save Parkhead Fire Station

Ian Robertson, Liberal Democrat candidate for the Glasgow East by-election, this morning presented a petition to save Parkhead Fire Station from closure to Glasgow City Council.

Hundreds of local residents have signed the petition in support of the Fire Station and the Firefighters who are set to lose their jobs if plans to create a "super-station" in Cambuslang get the go ahead.

Ian said: "It is clear that there is tremendous local support for the Parkhead Fire Station. The FBU have said that closing it will endanger the lives of people across the East End and the voices of the hundreds who have signed the petition should be heard before any decision is made."

He continued: "I launched this campaign last week calling on all parties to stand together to stand up for the East End in protecting this vital local service. I am still waiting for their support. This campaign will continue long after the by-election circus has left town and on the final day of the campaign they should do the right thing and join the campaign and sign the petition."

See the full article at Glasgow East Lib Dems

SNP eve of poll by-election poll boost

The Scottish National Party welcomed the publication of a poll released today, which shows that only 46% of people believe that Labour can win the Glasgow East by-election, while 51% said the SNP would govern Glasgow East better than Labour and only 24% disagreed.

In addition, 54% said that Alex Salmond has been good at him job as First Minister, with only 19% saying the opposite.

SNP Westminster leader Mr Angus Robertson MP said: "This is an excellent eve of poll election boost for John Mason and the SNP.

"The results are fantastic – and they show that we are witnessing a tale of two governments. The SNP Government under Alex Salmond is demonstrating competence, credibility and success, while Gordon Brown's administration dithers its way from crisis to crisis, and does nothing in the face of rising fuel and food prices.

"Above all, these figures show that the SNP are on the people’s side, and Labour are out of touch. That is why I believe the people will be on the SNP’s side in Glasgow East, and why the tale of two governments – SNP success and Labour failure – can take John Mason and the SNP over the winning line."

See the full article at Glasgow East SNP


See the full size leaflet HERE

Glasgow East candidates and their Websites

There are nine candidates vying to succeed Labour's David Marshall in the Glasgow East by-election on 24 July.

Chris Creighton, Independent

Frances Curran, Scottish Socialist Party

Margaret Curran, Labour

Dr Eileen Duke, Scottish Greens

Hamish Howitt, Freedom 4 Choice

John Mason, SNP

Tricia McLeish, Solidarity

Davena Rankin, Conservatives

Ian Robertson, Liberal Democrats

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

By-election race nears the line

Parties contesting the Glasgow East by-election have been out and about on the penultimate day of campaigning.

SNP deputy leader Nicola Sturgeon said she was "extremely optimistic" about her party's chances in Thursday's vote.

Labour's Margaret Curran said she would never "talk the east end down" during a visit to an employer.

The Tories said voters could choose them over Labour failure "or the risk of the SNP". The Lib Dems focused on their environmental credentials.

Ms Sturgeon said she was confident the SNP's John Mason could win the seat as voters were switching from Labour.

"Our support is strong and motivated and it's growing by the day," she told BBC Radio's Good Morning Scotland programme.

"We detect in Glasgow East a very strong mood to send a message to Labour - a message that says people are very unhappy with a London Labour Government that is deeply out of touch and is doing absolutely nothing to help individuals with the rising cost of living."

On the campaign trail, Mr Mason was joined by Braveheart actor James Cosmo and comedian Elaine C Smith during a visit to a shopping centre.

Labour candidate Margaret Curran visited a hi-tech employer in Glasgow East with the aim of promoting a positive vision of the area.

"I will never, ever talk the east end down," she said.

"The people in this community are sick and tired of being talked down - from the Nationalists comparing the area to the Gaza Strip to sneering Tory commentators deliberately ignoring the improvements of recent years.

"What we need to do is get more people off benefits and into work at places like the one I am visiting today."

Activists from the Scottish Conservatives canvassed voters on the cost of living and crime, while reinforcing their message to reject separatism.

Scottish leader Annabel Goldie said her party was making sure voters realised they did not have to settle for "the failure of Labour or the risk of the SNP".

Speaking on BBC Radio's Good Morning Scotland programme she also said the SNP was soft on law and order.

"The Scottish Government under the SNP does not want to grip the thistle and commit to the new prisons we need," she said.

Meanwhile, Liberal Democrat candidate, Ian Robertson, questioned the environmental credentials of the other main parties after "near-constant driving" during campaigning.

"We must encourage more people to use public transport," he said.

"We must make sure that this is a cheap, safe and reliable alternative to using a car.

"However, we must lead by example and not have double standards, which only serve to lessen the impact of a very important environmental message."

Elsewhere, the Scottish Green Party launched a plan for community health promotion.

The party's candidate, Dr Eileen Duke, said: "What we really need to see is proper support for community projects, led by local people who know exactly what works and what doesn't.

"The vision is there, the ideas are there, but the money and the support comes and goes."

'Curran confusion'

Solidarity candidate Tricia McLeish ripped up a giant cheque for £2,431, made out to Gordon Brown.

This was to signify the amount her party said every Scot contributed to the Treasury from North Sea oil last year.

SSP candidate Frances Curran moved to dispel any confusion between her and Labour's Margaret Curran.

Party workers distributed leaflets across the constituency with the message: "Vote for the left Curran not the right Curran."

Frances Curran said: "The SSP is fighting this election on a clear socialist programme as opposed to Labour, who are lined up with the Tories in attacking benefit claimants and the unemployed."

Thursday's by-election was sparked by the resignation of Labour MP David Marshall on health grounds.

See the full article at BBC News

Labour facing humiliation in Glasgow East

Labour is facing humiliation in Thursday's Glasgow East by-election, with less than a thousand votes separating it from defeat in one of the party's safest seats.

The Scottish Nationalists need to overturn a huge 13,507 deficit to win, but claim they are making inroads into Labour's core vote and internal polling shows they are "there or thereabouts".

Alex Salmond, the SNP leader and Scottish First Minister, said that the Labour advantage has been whittled down to three figures.

Labour insiders said their polling shows they are set to win by a thousand votes or less, but argued that so unpopular is the Government that "any win will do".

Even Wendy Alexander, who recently resigned as the party's Scottish Parliament leader after a disastrous tenure, has been on the campaign trail this week.

A victory, no matter how small, would give Gordon Brown a temporary stay of execution until the autumn, when the party conference is held.

However, more pressure would be heaped on the Prime Minister should the Scottish Nationalists come close to getting the 22 per cent swing from Labour they require.

This would send a message to already dissatisfied party backbenchers, the majority of who have much smaller majorities, that none of their seats are safe.

Mr Salmond told the Daily Telegraph: "The people in Glasgow East are going to pass a very severe verdict on Gordon Brown's Government. The Labour vote is in meltdown.

"It's not just the size of the majority in Glasgow East - these are people who have voted in Labour for half a century. These are core Labour votes that are transferring."

Asked about the number of votes separating the two parties, Mr Salmond said it was "three figures rather than four".

SNP campaign insiders said they are targeting 'soft' Labour voters using so-called 'conversion canvassing', and are seeing a "strong move" towards their party.

"It's going down to the wire. There's no question we are there or thereabouts," one senior party official said.

Labour was cautious about its chances of victory, with one party source admitting tomorrow's poll will be close and estimating that only a thousand votes would separate the two parties in its 25th safest seat.

A Downing Street source predicted: "It looks to us as if it's going to be tight but we should be okay."

The contest follows the resignation of the sitting MP, David Marshall, last month on health grounds.

Controversy has surrounded some of his expenses, as he claimed £17,000 per year for running his office from his home in the Shettleston area of Glasgow.

He also paid £75,000 per year in staff costs to one person, listed a C Marshall, thought to be his 66-year-old wife, Christine.

It was revealed yesterday that he let his 31-year-old daughter, Christina, operate two property companies from the same address.

The firms, which handle a £270,000 property portfolio, were registered at Mr Marshall's home in March this year.

Ian Robertson, the Liberal Democrat candidate said "serious questions" had to be asked and called for assurances no taxpayers' money was used inappropriately.

David Cairns MP, Labour's campaign manager, insisted Mr Marshall stood down on doctor's orders but refused to comment further.

See the full article at Telegraph

Heating or Eating this winter - you decide

Ian Robertson, Liberal Democrat candidate for the Glasgow East by-election, was today joined by Deputy Leader and Shadow Chancellor Vince Cable talking to local residents about their continued concerns over the rising cost of living.

Ian said: "With the cost of living soaring under the Labour government, many people are faced with a stark choice this winter - heating or eating. The rising cost of food and fuel means that some families across Glasgow East cannot afford both. After over a decade of Labour in power, this is a damning indictment of the failings of Gordon Brown and his handling of the economy."

He continued: "The average family food bill has risen by £750 a year. The price of eggs, bread, milk, cheese have all increased by more than three times the rate of inflation in the last year. At the same time the price of fuel and energy bills continue to rise putting further strain on people's pockets. Not enough is being done to help families through this troubled time."

Vince Cable commented: "Even this rose tinted measurement of inflation is now showing the huge strain that soaring food and fuel costs are putting on household budgets. We are now facing the start of an economic climate worryingly reminiscent of the 1970s, with falling demand, rising unemployment and rising inflation. Gordon Brown is now facing the consequences of years of inaction over spiralling personal debt and the unsustainable bubble in the housing market. The Prime Mister bases his credibility on his economic record, yet it is now becoming startling clear he was asleep at the wheel."

From: Glasgow East Liberal Democrats

Vote Solidarity in Glasgow East

Vote for Solidarity and Tricia McLeish;

For a living wage for all workers and decent pensions for our senior citizens, for radical wealth redistribution to end the misery of poverty.

For democratic public ownership of power companies and an end to the privitisation of our public services, for trade union rights and an end to illegal wars.

For an independant socialist Scotland.

From: Solidarity website

'Wish you were here Gordon'

SNP join holiday spirit with special Fair Monday postcard

The SNP got into the holiday atmosphere of the Glasgow Fair Monday this evening by delivering a special Fair Postcard reminding voters in Glasgow East how out of touch Labour has become with the concerns of people in this constituency.

The leaflet features Margaret Thatcher as she visited Number 10 Downing Street at the invitation of Gordon Brown last year and carries the headline "Wish you were here". On the reverse side is a satirical message from the Labour candidate "Margaret C" wishing Gordon Brown would come and help her campaign as voters turn to the SNP in their droves.

Commenting on the initiative SNP Business Convener and Westminster SNP leader Angus Robertson said: "As people in Glasgow East enjoy the fair Monday holiday the SNP is joining in the holiday spirit with our own holiday postcard from Labour's candidate "Margaret C" to Gordon Brown.

"The postcard reminds disaffected Labour voters how out of touch Labour has become. Labour may try to pretend they are an anti-Tory party but the facts speaks for themselves as the picture of Gordon Brown inviting Margaret Thatcher graphically proves.

"People across this constituency are turning to the SNP for the first time ever as they realise that it is only the SNP who are on the side of people in Glasgow East and that the Labour party are out of touch.

"From the rising prices for energy, petrol and food to the Labour party's defence of the council tax and the doubling of the 10pence tax rate people feel let down by Labour and are turning to the SNP for a better future for the East End.

"A vote for the SNP on Thursday will send a message to Gordon Brown that its time for a fair deal for the East End."


The postcard reads as follows:

Wish you were here

Dear Gordon

I know you're busy cosying up to your "favourite" Margaret, but wish you could have joined us in Glasgow East.

It's been tough going here. The locals are telling me they have completely lost faith in Labour. They reckon we've done nothing for Glasgow East and they're less than chuffed with the rising price of food, the cost of keeping warm and the problems that our 10p tax increase is causing.

Doing my best in your absence but the people here are turning to the SNP in their droves.

Missing you

Margaret C

'Gordon Brown outed himself as a Thatcherite' Sky News 27th February 2008 - Gordon Brown surprised many by praising the former Tory leader as a "conviction politician".

From: Glasgow SNP

Margaret’s Safer Streets Action Plan

As an MSP, I was proud to lead Labour’s laws to crack down on anti-social behaviour. I was proud to bring in the laws on electronic tagging, ASBOs, acceptable behaviour contracts, dispersal orders for gangs and penalty fines for minor graffiti and vandalism.

But to make our streets safer, we need to bang heads together – in the Council, the Scottish Parliament and at Westminster.

This is my 5 point plan to signal that criminals will no longer have it their own way in the East End.

1. Double the number of extra police on East End Streets

The council has paid for 20 extra police because the SNP has broken their promise on recruiting extra officers. I want the council to double this figure in two years and will fight until they do. More police should help faster response times.

2. Get police out of cars and onto the beat

Police need to use cars to get around, but it’s no substitute to walking the beat. I have demanded an emergency meeting with Strathclyde Police to get officers out of cars, and be visible on the streets. That way police can spot trouble and build a sense of community.

3. Brandish a blade – go to prison

Anyone who carries a lethal blade on the streets of the East End should go to jail. If the SNP won’t support these plans I will.

4. More CCTV in the East End

I will campaign for more CCTV in the East End – and I will demand that Westminster make it easier for the police to use and retain images.

5. Known drug dealers to be targeted by the police

We need to stand up to the dealers. We know who they are, where they are and what they do. I will support any new laws the police need to take dealers off the streets. I will also launch a new community drug forum to bring local people together to discuss anti drug measures in the East End.

From: Glasgow East Labour

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Vote for the LEFT Curran

Download PDF file of the full polling day leaflet... from the Scottish Socialist Party


The campaign leaflets and posters from the Henley by-election are now available HERE.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


You can see what all the Glasgow East candidates have to say for themselves at BBC News - Glasgow East: Candidate profiles



Chris Creighton lives in the south side of Glasgow and is currently a mature student studying politics at the University of Glasgow.

He is standing on a ticket of constitutional reform, particularly the abolition of the monarchy.

Mr Creighton was one of nine candidates who contested the Glasgow Cathcart by-election in 2005, following the resignation of Labour's Mike Watson.

The independent came eighth, polling 59 votes. The seat was won by Labour's Charlie Gordon.

Mr Creighton has served on three community councils. While staying in Easterhouse, between 1990 and 1995, he was involved in the Easterhouse Central Community Council, Blairtummock Residents Association and Blairtummock Housing Association.

to see Chris Creighton explain why you should vote for him.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Socialist change needed

THE GLASGOW East byelection on 24 July could have political effects well beyond which big business party candidate gets sent down to Westminster. The byelection follows the resignation, for family and health reasons, of Labour MP David Marshall who had a huge majority, over 13,000 (44%), in 2005.

Brian Smith, International Socialists, Glasgow
The Scottish National Party (SNP), which runs the devolved Scottish Government, is throwing everything into winning this seat, though recent polls still give Labour a lead. Defeat for Labour would be disastrous, increasing the pressure on Gordon Brown - with speculation that he could be forced out if Labour lose the seat.

Labour called the byelection at short notice and in the middle of the traditional Glasgow "fair" holiday, hoping to achieve a quick victory. However, they could not get their candidate selected in time for the first weekend of campaigning after the preferred candidate, a local councillor, failed to turn up at the selection meeting.

The Labour leadership, including Gordon Brown, then tried unsuccessfully to persuade Stephen Purcell, leader of Glasgow City Council, to stand. Two other names were mentioned within the local party and media before Margaret Curran, the current MSP for part of the area, put herself forward. Curran, however, has stated that she will not resign as an MSP if she wins the byelection. The SNP candidate is John Mason, a local councillor.

Solidarity, led by Tommy Sheridan, is standing Tricia McLeish, a local council worker who has lived in the constituency all her life. Tricia was selected unanimously by the Glasgow Solidarity membership.

Solidarity's message of fighting poverty, inequality, rising costs of fuel and food and low pay is being raised in every part of the constituency through regular street stalls, lamp-posting, leafleting and loud-hailering. Tricia has been on radio and TV and will be part of a live TV hustings on 17 July. Public meetings are also organised for the last week of the campaign.

The United Nations has assessed large parts of Glasgow East as the most deprived areas of the UK. Life expectancy for men in the constituency is 11 years less than the national average. In one council ward the male life expectancy is lower than in Iraq.

The anti-Labour mood is strong on the streets. However it is not yet clear whether former Labour voters will switch parties or decide not to vote at all.

Turnout in Glasgow East is usually below the national average, and is likely to be under 30% on 24 July. The SNP are running a high-profile campaign with Alex Salmond, Scotland's First Minister, saying that a "political earthquake in on the way".

As Scotland's two main parties go head-to-head, it is very likely that all other parties will see their votes squeezed.

The people of Glasgow East need a radical socialist change in how society is organised. Whatever the outcome of this election, Solidarity will continue to raise that banner in Glasgow and across Scotland.

From: Socialist Party

Brown accused of 'bribing Glasgow voters' with duty freeze

Gordon Brown was desperately fending off damaging charges last night that he had attempted to bribe voters in the Glasgow East constituency by announcing a fuel duty freeze only a week ahead of the by-election.

The accusations yesterday, from both Alex Salmond and David Cameron, came as the issue overshadowed all others in the campaign. A further indication of Labour's growing unease about the election emerged when The Times established that Cabinet ministers had taken the unusual step of telephoning voters in Glasgow East directly to plead for their support.

The involvement of senior members of Mr Brown's team in direct canvassing of the Glasgow East electorate served to reinforce the widespread view that the outcome could be vital to Gordon Brown's political future. It also underlines the private opinions of both Labour and SNP insiders that the contest in Glasgow East is now too close to call.

With only a week to go before the vote, Mr Brown denied in the Commons that the decision to postpone the 2p rise in fuel duty scheduled for October was a “political bribe” aimed at undecided voters in Glasgow East.

The move on fuel duty by Alistair Darling took Westminster by surprise. Although a U-turn by the Government had been widely predicted, it was thought that it would be delayed until later in the summer.

The Prime Minister has maintained that the Government's motivation was to help people facing high food and fuel bills; however, the decision prompted Mr Salmond, the Scottish First Minister and SNP leader, to claim that the prospect of a Labour defeat in Glasgow had “concentrated the minds of worried Labour ministers in London wonderfully”. His comments were echoed by Mr Cameron, the Tory leader, who launched a withering attack on Mr Brown, telling him that he was not being “straight” with voters. He added: “The fuel duty had nothing to do with the by-election where it is a massive issue - just as, presumably, the 10p tax U-turn had nothing to do with Crewe & Nantwich; just as the plan to call off the election had nothing to do with the polls.”

Vince Cable, the Liberal Democrat treasury spokesman, said there was no reason why the Chancellor should have been “stampeded” into making the decision and there was no indication of how it was going to be paid for.

See the full article at The Times

Newsnight Scotland - John Mason - 14th July

Greens launch Glasgow East campaign

Margaret Curran Video

Margaret Curran standing up for the East End

Davena Rankin Leaflet

From: Davena Rankin

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

SNP government funds local health centre

SNP Candidate Cllr John Mason today visited the Community Health Shop in Barlanark - a project given £70,000 lifeline funding by the SNP Government. He was accompanied on his visit by Cabinet Secretary for Health Nicola Sturgeon who authorised the funding for the centre.

The Community Health Shop works to tackle health inequalities in the East End providing healthcare services as well as fruit for kids, carers support services and a meeting place for the community.

Speaking on the visit SNP Candidate Cllr John Mason said: "This centre is an excellent example of the good work taking place in this community to tackle the problems of health inequalities and to improve the support available for people in this community.

"The SNP Government's decision to provide funding for this centre shows that voting SNP works for the East End. The previous Labour administration had no funding in place and there was a serious risk of closure or a reduction in services.

"A vote for the SNP helped to save the Community Health Shop in 2007. A vote for the SNP in 2008 will send a message to the UK Government that the East End deserves a fair deal."

Joining Mr Mason on the visit SNP MSP and Cabinet Secretary for Health Nicola Sturgeon said: "This project is a fantastic example of the good work being done in the East End of Glasgow and of the real efforts being out into providing vital services for people in this community.

"The SNP wants to see projects like this flourish which is why we have provided £70,000 to help this project, a project facing closure under the previous administration, to stay open and build on its facilities."

From Glasgow SNP

Labour poll lead crumbles

A SHOCK poll in Glasgow East has seen a 15 per cent swing from Labour to the SNP in the first week of the by-election campaign.

The ICM poll conducted on Thursday and Friday has found support for Labour at 47 per cent, the SNP on 33 per cent, with the Liberal Democrats on eight per cent and the Conservatives on seven.

At the last General Election, Labour had 61 per cent, the SNP 17 per cent, with the Liberal Democrats on 12 per cent and the Conservatives seven.


While Labour will be relieved to be still in the lead, SNP campaigners claim a 15 per cent swing in the first week of the campaign sees them most of the way to overturning the Labour majority.

The SNP require a 22 per cent swing to take the seat, previously held by Labour veteran MP David Marshall, who resigned due to ill-health.

SNP leader Alex Salmond said he was delighted with the poll. ?We?re more than two-thirds of the way to victory with 10 days to go,? he said.

He pointed out the weekend before Jim Sillars?s victory in Govan 20 years ago, Labour was ahead 53 per cent to 33 per cent.

?Massive swing?

The SNP leader added, ?This is a massive swing to us in the first week of the campaign. Our campaign is rolling and Labour don?t have the people to stop us.?

SNP candidate John Mason added, ?We?ve come so far in a very short time and it will move every day.

?We?ve already canvassed more than 10,000 people and in the last couple of days in particular the vote is moving to us.?

See the full article at Sunday Post

Greens Launch Glasgow East Campaign

The Scottish Green Party candidate in the Glasgow East by-election, Dr Eileen Duke, today launched the party's campaign at Easthall Park,near Easterhouse, at the site of a community-owned wind power project. Accompanied by the Party's two MSPs and by Green Councillors, Dr Duke outlined the benefits that community ownership of energy generation could bring to areas like Glasgow East.

Speaking in front of two community-owned wind turbines at Easthall Park near Easterhouse, Dr Duke said: "All the other parties claim to care about the rising cost of livingin Glasgow East, but not one of them has done anything to insulate household fuel bills from soaring oil costs.

Greens believe in an "energy-generating democracy", where local people could be paid when their excess energy goes back to the grid. Instead of being landed with ever bigger bills every month, families here could be turning high energy prices to their advantage. "The other parties have nothing to offer on this issue.

The SNP just obsess over who owns our dwindling oil supplies, which would have no effect at all on fuel bills. At the same time Gordon Brown goes to Saudi Arabia to plead for more oil, ignoring the clean energy opportunities on his doorstep.

"Greens want to give communities access to all sorts of renewable energy, not just in community centres but in homes all over the country, especially in places like Glasgow East. Efficient homes and community energy are not rocket science, so why are the other parties failing to deliver? Unless we act now, these problems will only get worse. A strong Green vote in Glasgow East will be a vote to end fuel poverty, tackle climate change and cut bills for hard pressed households."

Scottish Green Party Co-convener Robin Harper MSP added: "Eileen Duke would be the first MP ever sent to Westminster with a comprehensive vision on fuel poverty and climate change. She understands what we need to do to ensure our communities don't bear the brunt of the global energy crisis, and that the business-as-usual approach the other parties offer is increasingly unaffordable.

"Sometimes problems like climate change and the rising cost of living seem too big to do anything about, but innovative local projects like Easthall show what communities can do to cut their bills and cut pollution at the same time. There has been no leadership from Labour in London or from the SNP in Edinburgh on this issue. Anyone who wants to make a positive statement for the here and now as well as forfuture generations can do so by voting Green."
From: Glasgow Green Party

Reporting Scotland 12th July - Glasgow East

VIDEO - Vote for Frances Curran

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Labour’s Criminal Record - Davena Rankin

Commenting after the Scottish Conservatives launched our latest leaflet, ‘Labour’s Criminal Record’, Davena Rankin, Scottish Conservative candidate in the Glasgow East by-election, said:

“In Labour’s Glasgow, there is now a serious assault every four hours, a rape or attempted rape or indecent assault every 20 hours, and a drug crime every single hour. To have presided over such a breakdown is a disgrace. Labour has let down the most vulnerable and this has been going on for far too long.

“I will be a strong voice for the people of Glasgow East - those who have been neglected and left afraid of becoming a victim of crime. Labour’s Criminal Record is one that we will end.”

Annabel Goldie MSP, Scottish Conservative Leader, said:

“Labour’s record is indeed a betrayal of people in Glasgow and Scottish Conservatives are determined to tackle it. That is why, in the past year, in the Scottish Parliament, we have forced the SNP to pledge the 1, 000 new police officers that they initially promised, and we have obtained a new, national strategy on drugs abuse. The Nationalists want a soft-touch Scotland, with more Home Detention Curfews and empty prisons. The Scottish Conservatives will fight this tooth and nail.

“In Davena Rankin, we have a determined and hard-working local representative, who will stand up for communities in Glasgow East and send a message to criminals that this soft-touch approach will no longer be tolerated.”

From: Davena Rankin

Labour Party Leaflets

CLICK HERE to see full size image

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CLICK HERE to see full size image

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Scottish Socialist Party leaflet

CLICK HERE to see the full leaflet in pdf format

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Solidarity take the War to Glasgow East

Solidarity candidate Tricia Mcleish will today be campaigning in the Glasgow East by-election raising the issue of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Tricia began her day by appearing in a live debate on Radio Scotland at 7.30 she said, " I shall be today highlighting how the poverty and deprivation in Glasgow East could be solved by a fraction of the money spent on illegal and unjust wars and the 100 billion Labour are spending on renewing Trident.

I shall also point out that Scots troops are dying or being injured in large numbers as they make up one third of frontline troops. It is time we brought all the troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan."

From: Solidarity Scotland

Margaret Curran - Scottish Labour

Margaret, 49, has fought for the people of Glasgow all her life as a welfare rights officer, community worker, education lecturer and Member of the Scottish Parliament.

Speaking after her selection, Margaret said: “I am honoured to be selected to fight this seat for Labour. My opponent Councillor Mason says he’s in politics for one reason only: to break up the United Kingdom. I’m in politics for a fundamentally different reason: to fight poverty and stand up for the people of the East End. That’s what I’ve done all my life, and what I promise to keep on doing.

“Let me be clear: Labour’s fightback starts right here, right now. I will fight and fight again for the people of the East End so I publicly challenge Councillor Mason to a live television debate – any time, any place.”

Steven Purcell, leader of Glasgow City Council, said: “Margaret will be a brilliant fighter for the city. She is a phenomenal woman and has never been afraid to give anybody a hard time – me included – and Glasgow is a better place for it.”

David Cairns, Labour’s Minister of State for Scotland said: “I am absolutely thrilled that Margaret is the Labour candidate. She is the most tough, gutsy, and determined woman in Scottish politics and will completely transform this race. She will lead fro m the front and be a brilliant voice for Glasgow.”

From: Glasgow East Labour

Dr Eileen Duke - Scottish Green Party

The Scottish Green Party today confirmed its intention to field a candidate in the forthcoming by-election for the Westminster seat of Glasgow East. Following a weekend selection meeting, Dr Eileen Duke, a retired GP, was confirmed as the party's candidate.

Dr Duke has lived in Glasgow since 1979, and worked as a GP in the city for 23 years before retiring in 2007. She is currently the party's Co-convenor for Glasgow and the West of Scotland. Dr Eileen Duke said: "I'm delighted to have been selected, and feel it's vital that Glasgow East voters hear a clear Green message in this campaign. They have suffered from some of the worst social and environmental injustice under both Tory and Labour governments, and there's worse to come if the M74 extension is forced through the city with the support of all the other parties.

"We have a vision for community-led investment in Glasgow East, a vision for how this part of the city could again thrive and become prosperous. Labour and the SNP want people's votes for little more than a battle of egos between Brown and Salmond. We want people to vote for something more constructive, to vote Green and stand up for a sustainable future."

Dr Duke's election agent and local Green MSP Patrick Harvie added: "This will clearly be a difficult election for New Labour, given the stench of decay that hangs over the party. There are huge numbers of disillusioned voters in Glasgow East who are keen to vote for a change. Now they have that opportunity, and if they want to do more than give the Labour government a slap they can vote Green on July 24. "The people of Glasgow East can send the clearest possible message that the New Labour project has failed them, failed Scotland, failed the UK, and must be wound up as soon as possible."

From: Glasgow Greens

Davena Rankin - Conservative candidate

Davena Rankin was educated at Knightswood Secondary School in Glasgow and the University of Sussex where she graduated with a BSC (Hons) in Medicinal Chemistry. She worked as a Shop Manager for Marie Curie Cancer Care in 1995 and then as a Customer Care Advisor for the TSB Bank plc.
She is currently the Commercial Manager for Research & Innovation Services at Glasgow Caledonian University.

Davena is an active member of UNISON where she is Branch Secretary of the GCU Branch and also sits on three National Committees* and chairs the Scottish Women's Committee.

From: Conservative Party

Frances Curran says Stop the gravy train

Frances Curran, the socialist candidate in Glasgow East, has vowed to launch a crusade against greedy politicians who plunder the public purse to make themselves rich.

“Winning a seat in parliament these days is like winning the lottery,” says Frances.
“MPs have a pay package worth quarter of a million pounds. On top of that, they can rake in a fortune from second homes and first class travel expenses.
“Many put their relatives on the payroll to send their household income soaring into the stratosphere.”

According to press reports, the last Labour MP for Glasgow East paid his wife and daughter half a million pounds to work from home.

A workers MP on a workers wage
As an MSP in the last Scottish Parliament, Frances spurned the lavish Holyrood lifestyle to stay in touch with ordinary people.
She donated tens of thousands of pounds -half her total salary -to the socialist movement. She published every penny of her expenses.
“I lived as a workers MSP on a workers wage, like my other Scottish Socialist Party colleagues,” says Frances.
“If elected as the MP for Glasgow East I’ll do exactly the same again. I believe in improving life for the whole of the East End -and not just for the chosen few who get themselves elected,” says Frances.

After 30 years in socialist politics Frances Curran has no expensive possessions.
She doesn’t own a house, but lives in a top-floor rented housing association tenement.
She has no car, no expensive furniture, no loot stashed away in a personal bank account.

You may not agree with everything Frances Curran says. But even her opponents admit she’s one of that rare breed of politicians who has never been seduced by glitz, wealth and celebrity.

From: Scottish Socialist Party

John Mason - SNP Candidate

John Mason is originally from Rutherglen, is 51, an accountant, and has lived in the East End for 18 years.

After training in Glasgow, he has worked for housing associations, nursing homes, and with a charity in London. He also spent 3 years in Nepal with an NGO representing churches from all over the world.

He was elected as the Councillor for the Garrowhill ward in 1998 at a by-election and held the seat in 1999 and 2003. He has led the SNP Group on the Council since 1999 and was elected in 2007 as Councillor for the new ward of Baillieston.

He achieved the highest personal vote of any Councillor in Glasgow and is the SNP's longest serving Glasgow Councillor.

His other interests include involvement in Easterhouse Baptist Church, hill-walking and camping.

From: Glasgow SNP

Glasgow East byelection explained

Why is the Glasgow East byelection being held?
The Glasgow East byelection on July 24 2008 is being held following the retirement of Labour MP David Marshall on health grounds. It is the fourth byelection to be called in less than two months but is billed as one of the most important in decades.

Why is this contest so important?
The contest is being viewed as a critical test of Gordon Brown's leadership. The party currently has a 13,507 majority so, in theory at least, should easily hold on to Glasgow East.

But Scotland - once considered "home turf" for Labour - is now being governed by a nationalist administration, and the SNP leader, Alex Salmond, is proving a popular first minister. The SNP insists it has a realistic chance of gaining the seat.

It is widely believed the prime minister would be unable to recover from such a devastating setback and would be forced to quit as Labour leader and prime minister before party conference season begins in September.

How likely is it that Labour will lose the seat?
Glasgow East is Labour's eighth safest seat in Scotland and 25th safest in Britain. The SNP would need a swing of 22% to unseat Labour, but given the current climate, anything is possible.

The SNP already holds five of Glasgow's 17 seats in the Scottish parliament.

And even finding a candidate to contest the seat for Labour proved problematic after local councilor, George Ryan, pulled out just hours before the selection process citing family reasons.

Several others declined the opportunity to stand.

To compound Gordon Brown's difficulties, the Scottish Labour party is currently without a leader due to the resignation last month of Wendy Alexander over financial irregularities in the funding of her leadership campaign.

How is Labour faring generally?
The most recent UK-wide ICM poll for the Guardian put Labour 20 points behind the Tories. The results of the May local elections were Labour's worst since 1968, and in the recent byelection in Henley, Labour not only lost its deposit, winning less than 5% of the vote, but it was pushed into fifth place behind the Greens and the British National party.

What else should I know about Glasgow East?
The Glasgow East constituency was created following boundary changes in 2005, but was also held by Labour in its previous incarnations. Glasgow East, a predominantly Catholic area, is one of the poorest and most unhealthy constituencies in Britain.

It holds the most voters on incapacity benefit or disability allowance, and the fewest with higher education qualifications. Glasgow East hosts the highest proportion of single-parent households, with one of the highest levels of social rented housing in Britain.

Class A drugs have been a serious blight in the area for many years. It was the place where former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith had an epiphany after visiting the Easterhouse council estate in the constituency and was sufficiently moved to set up his Centre for Social Justice thinktank, which now influences Tory social policy.

See the full article at The Guardian

Lib Dems select Robertson for Glasgow East

Glasgow Liberal Democrats have selected Ian Robertson to be their candidate for the Glasgow East by-election on July 24th. Ian Robertson, 30, is a teacher of Mathematics at Bellahouston Academy.

In 2005, the Scottish Liberal Democrats came just 1603 votes behind the SNP.

Born and bred Glaswegian Ian Robertson said:

"I want to be a very energetic and local MP taking up the concerns of people across the area where I was born. As the local MP I will keep in touch with local people all year round and hold regular advice surgeries across the area. I will be a strong local champion for our local communities across Glasgow East.

"I will speak out on the issues that matter to local people such as the levels of unemployment, crime, especially youth crime and I will fight for local jobs within the local communities. I will be a full-time MP for this area, living and working in its communities and fighting to safeguard local services.

"Local people are feeling let down by Gordon Brown's Labour Government that is out of touch and has forgotten the East End. Gordon Brown's Government simply doesn't understand how the loss of vital services harms the local community.

"Equally local people are getting fed up of the empty promises by the SNP. The teflon is coming off and the SNP's honeymoon is now over.

"The Scottish Liberal Democrat campaign is already off to a flying start we already have a headquarters in Shettleston and will campaign in every part of the constituency. Liberal Democrat Leader Nick Clegg will be visiting the area."

Robert Brown MSP, Chair of the Liberal Democrat Campaign added:

"I have known and worked with Ian for many years and he will make a superb MP for the people of Glasgow East."

From: Glasgow East Lib Dems

Friday, July 11, 2008

Living costs dominate by-election

Campaigning on Friday in the Glasgow East by-election has been dominated by the rising cost of living.

The SNP said this could be offset by the "windfall" from rising oil prices while the Conservatives called for a fuel regulator to reduce pump prices.

Labour drew a parallel between fuel poverty and pre-payment metres and the Lib Dems focused on access to benefits.

The vote will take place on 24 July. It was called when Labour's David Marshall resigned on health grounds.

SNP candidate, John Mason, explained how a "windfall" from the rising cost of oil could be used to offset the rising cost of food.

"The government in Westminster is raking in about £6,000m extra on top of their budget because of the high (oil) prices," he said.

"They could be feeding that back by way of a fuel regulator and that equates to about £48-per-week-per-household for this part of Scotland."

"People here are really struggling and they would like to see some of that back."

Conservative candidate, Davena Rankin, also said action on fuel was needed to help struggling families.

"George Osborne, the shadow chancellor, has proposed a fuel price regulator which would cut fuel by 5p per litre," she said.

"This would go some way to easing the burden we are currently all suffering, as well as instigating a round-robin effect in lowering prices.

"Even allowing for the fact that global events have shaped much of the current predicaments we face, Labour has no solutions except to demand more money from us."

Labour's Margaret Curran also focused on the cost of living, arguing the poor were being "ripped off" by rules on prepayment meters.

'Global rises'

She said she would fight to ensure that those with prepayment meters, and those not paying by direct debit, did not pay more for their power.

"I know that people in the east end are feeling the pinch as a result of the global rises in the price of energy," she said.

"It's a scandal that poor residents are being ripped off as a result of unfair power company rules."

Lib Dem candidate, Ian Robertson, said something had to be done to help people who were suffering most.

"People in the east end of Glasgow are feeling the pinch perhaps more than other parts of the UK," he said.

"We help people in the budget, we help people get access to the benefits they are entitled to and a good local MP should be ensuring that people get through this difficult period."

Haltemprice and Howden Result

Conservative David Davis has been re-elected as the MP for Haltemprice and Howden. He won the by-election with a majority of 15,355 votes. Here is the result in full:

David Michael Davis - Conservative 17,113
Shan Oakes - Green Party 1,758
Joanne Robinson - English Democrats 1,714
Tess Culnane - National Front Britain for the British 544
Gemma Dawn Garrett - Miss Great Britain Party 521
Jill Saward - Independent 492
Mad Cow-Girl - The Official Monster Raving Loony Party 412
Walter Edward Sweeney - Independent 238
John Nicholson - Independent 162
David Craig - Independent 135
David Pinder - The New Party 135
David Icke - No party listed 110
Hamish Howitt - Freedom 4 Choice 91
Christopher John Talbot - Socialist Equality Party 84
Grace Christine Astley - Independent 77
George Hargreaves - Christian Party 76
David Laurence Bishop - Church of the Militant Elvis Party 44
John Randle Upex - Independent 38
Greg Wood - Independent 32
Eamonn Fitzpatrick - Independent 31
Ronnie Carroll - Make Politicians History 29
Thomas Faithful Darwood - Independent 25
Christopher Mark Foren - Independent 23
Herbert Winford Crossman - Independent 11
Tony Farnon - Independent 8
Norman Scarth - Independent 8

Turnout 23,749 (33.8%)

Haltemprice and Howden by-election results

ASTLEY Grace Christine Independent 77
BISHOP David Laurence Church of The Militant Elvis Party 44
CARROLL Ronnie Make Politicians History 29
COW-GIRL Mad The Official Monster Raving Loony Party 412
CRAIG David Independent 135
CROSSMAN Herbert Winford Independent 11
CULNANE Tess National Front Britain For the British 544
DARWOOD Thomas Faithful Independent 25
DAVIS David Michael The Conservative Party Candidate 17,113
FARNON Tony Independent 8
FITZPATRICK Eamonn Fitzy Independent 31
FOREN Christopher Mark Independent 23
GARRETT Gemma Dawn Miss Great Britain Party 521
HARGREAVES George Christian Party 76
HOWITT Hamish Freedom 4 Choice 91
ICKE David Vaughan 110
NICHOLSON John Independent 162
OAKES Shan Ursula Green party 1,758
PINDER David The New Party 135
ROBINSON Joanne The English Democrats - Putting England First 1,714
SAWARD Jill Independent 492
SCARTH Norman Independent 8
SWEENEY Walter Edward Independent 238
TALBOT Christopher John Socialist Equality Party 84
UPEX John Randle Independent 38
WOOD Greg Independent 32

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Haltemprice and Howden Candidates and their websites

The full list of candidates and their websites:

Grace Christine Astley (Ind)

David Laurence Bishop (Church of the Militant Elvis Party)

Ronnie Carroll (Make Politicians History)

Mad Cow-Girl (The Official Monster Raving Loony Party)

David Craig (Ind)

Herbert Winford Crossman (Ind)

Tess Culnane (National Front Britain for the British)

Thomas Faithful Darwood (Ind)

David Michael Davis (The Conservative Party Candidate)

Tony Farnon (Ind)

Eamonn Fitzy Fitzpatrick (Ind)

Christopher Mark Foren (Ind)

Gemma Dawn Garrett (Miss Great Britain Party)

George Hargreaves (Christian party)

Hamish Howitt (Freedom 4 Choice)

David Icke (no description given)

John Nicholson (Ind)

Shan Oakes (Green Party)

David Pinder (The New Party)

Joanne Robinson (English Democrats - Putting England First)

Jill Saward (Ind)

Norman Scarth (Ind)

Walter Edward Sweeney (Ind)

Christopher John Talbot (Socialist Equality Party)

John Randale Upex (Ind)

Greg Wood (Ind)

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

More Than 60% Say No To 42 Days

Nearly two thirds of people do not support the Government's move to extend pre-charge detention for terror suspects to 42 days.

Despite protestations from Gordon Brown that a majority of Britons believe the current 28 day limit should be lengthened, a poll for the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust has found 61% believe six weeks is too long.

The ICM survey of 1,000 found 32% thought the current limit ought to remain, while six per cent suggested it should be reduced, to just four days.

The findings have been published on the eve of the Haltemprice and Howden by-election, sparked by the resignation of shadow home secretary David Davis, so he could stand for re-election on a civil liberties platform in the wake of the 42-day controversy.

Poll Results
How long do you think people who may be innocent or guilty of a terrorist offence should be held in detention for questioning before they are charged or released?

Up to four days 6%
Up to one week 10%
Up to two weeks 13%
Up to four weeks 32%
Up to six weeks 36%

ICM Research interviewed a random sample of 1021 adults aged 18+ by telephone between 4-6 July 2008.

See the full article at Sky News

Davis freedom fight costs taxpayer £200,000

The by-election now raging in Yorkshire will cost the taxpayer more than £200,000.

A free mailshot provided to each of the 26 candidates will cost £112,600, says the Royal Mail, while East Riding Council – which is footing the bill for the contest – estimates the total cost will be at least £95,000.

The by-election was called by former Shadow Home Secretary David Davis, who resigned his seat last month to raise awareness of the Government's supposed erosion of civil liberties. But instead of debating with Labour, he has been forced to contest the Haltemprice and Howden constituency with candidates including David Icke, Miss Great Britain, Bus Pass Elvis and former Eurovision contestant Ronnie Carroll, standing under the party name Make Politicians History.

Yesterday Shadow Chancellor George Osborne described Mr Davis' decision to fight the by-election as courageous and accused the Prime Minister of being "scared of democracy".

See the full article at Yorkshire Post

Gemma Garrett in poll row

An Ulster-born beauty queen has denied breaking electoral rules by making a donation to a football team while she is standing in the by-election sparked by the resignation of shadow home secretary David Davis.

The candidate for the Miss Great Britain Party, Gemma Garrett, said she had made the donation as a football fan to pay for a new pavilion which the team — based in the Haltemprice and Howden constituency — needs in order to win promotion to the next league.

According to Miss Garrett's party, rival candidate David Bishop, who is also known as "Bus Pass Elvis", claimed her £1,000 donation to Howden AFC was illegal under the Representation of the People Act 1983 and had accused her of bribing voters.

But Belfast-born beauty queen Garrett (26) from Belfast, said: "I gave this money to Howden AFC because I am a football fan.

"The club is desperate to go up a division but can't because it doesn't have the right facilities and I just wanted to help. I did not ask for any votes in return."

Mr Bishop, who is standing for the Church of the Militant Elvis Party, said: "I could go round the constituency handing out Bank of Graceland £10 notes, asking people to vote for me."

See the full article at Belfast Telegraph

Socialist Equality Party outlines differences with the Greens

Socialist Equality Party member Richard Turner, who is acting as the election agent for SEP candidate Chris Talbot, was able to address a public forum for candidates in the Haltemprice and Howden by-election. Talbot was attending another engagement.

The “hustings” were organised on the initiative of one of the Independents standing as a candidate in the by-election and were attended by five candidates in total, including Green party candidate Shan Oakes. Turner used his 10-minute address to both detail the policies advanced by the SEP, but also to explain the differences between these socialist policies to defend civil liberties and the perspective advanced by the Greens.

“The Socialist Equality Party has consistently pointed to the Labour government’s constant erosion of fundamental civil liberties in the name of combating the terrorist threat,” Turner explained.

“However, unlike all the other parties and candidates in this by-election, we insist that the responsibility for defending democratic rights rests with working people and demands a political break with Labour and the building of a genuine socialist party.”

Explaining how Labour took Britain into illegal wars in Afghanistan and then Iraq, Turner continued, “It is impossible to seriously oppose the attacks on democratic rights at home outside of a political struggle against militarism and war.”

“It is now clear for all to see that Labour has long abandoned any pretence to be a party that carries out reforms in the interest of working people. Like the Tories, they are completely beholden to big business and defending the interests of the wealthy.

“However, the failure of reformism—the claim that it is possible to carry through some minimal social policies within the framework of the capitalist nation state—goes far beyond Labour.

“So what about the Greens? Their manifesto makes some fine sounding promises on questions such as the environment, the economy and so on.

“In her address to this forum, the Green Party candidate referred to the sister Green parties in other countries.

“It is instructive to look at the record of these parties. In those countries where the Greens have entered government, either at regional or national level—they have shown that they quickly abandon their pacifism and reformist claims.

“In Germany, the Green Party, when in coalition with the Social Democrats, have supported the sending of troops to Afghanistan, and pushed through some of the most far-reaching attacks on that country’s welfare system.

“At their conference last year, the party adopted a new economic programme—‘the Green free market economy’—which hails the capitalist market as the guardian angel of the environment!

“And now, in the city of Hamburg, they have even entered a coalition with the conservative Christian Democratic Union, dropping their much-touted environmental demands—such as opposing the building of a new coal-fired power station—as the price for taking a place at the cabinet table.”

“In her remarks,” Turner continued, “the Green Party candidate advocated a retreat to ‘local production,’ behind the national, if not even the county borders—something that would equate to a return to some form of semi-feudal subsistence economy.

“The SEP takes a completely opposite stance. Today, globalisation links the fate of millions of ordinary people around the world. Working people cannot defend their incomes, their families or the future of their children by retreating back within the national borders.

“The problems that confront humanity in the 21st century are global problems and require an international perspective and an international organisation... Above all, the present crisis is a product of the breakdown of the profit system—a system based on the irrational anarchy of ‘market forces.’ It is not a lack of resources that is the problem but the completely irrational nature of the present system.

“In contrast to the Greens, we insist that it is not possible to provide a progressive solution to such problems without developing an unprecedented level of international cooperation, something that is impossible on the basis of capitalism.

“The defence of basic democratic rights cannot be seen in isolation from this broader perspective.

“We advocate the building of an international socialist party to coordinate the struggles of working people, who face common problems in whatever country they live. Fundamentally, it requires the complete reorganisation of society, replacing production for profit with socialist measures that meet the needs of the many, not the bank balances of the few.”

A member of the audience asked Turner, “Do you think the Greens are your rivals?”

He replied that he wanted to delineate our perspective from that of the Greens and the other parties standing in this election. Unlike them, we are for the working class owning and controlling the production process. It was not lack of resources that is the main problem; it’s that the resources are owned by massive corporations.

Another asked, “Isn’t it the case that the working class is not all socialist. It is not always for socialism.”

Turner replied that it was not an issue of whether this or that worker at any given time considered themselves to be socialist, but the fact that socialism represents the historic interests of the working class as a whole. What the SEP is fighting for is to develop socialist consciousness in the working class. It is only when workers have socialist consciousness that they can be a force to change society.

* * *

Patricia Botham spoke to the Socialist Equality Party campaign team in Cottingham, the largest village in the constituency of Haltemprice and Howden.

She said, “Nobody stands up for the working class. David Davis has got no right to speak on anything. I wouldn’t vote for the Conservatives but have been a long-time Labour voter. I was the local union representative. I was a home helper for 34 years and was in the local government workers union. I am now 74 and I can’t afford anything unless I pay through the eyes and nose. I have got a state pension and a work pension and that needs to go up.

“The thing is the price of everything is going up and it’s all wrong. They put the prices up on the buses and there is no sign to say that and then the conductor faces all the anger from the passengers.

“A lot more should be done for the working class. I think it is right that you are standing, that there is a socialist candidate in this election. I’ll tell you one thing I don’t agree with and that’s this dolly bird standing [The Miss Great Britain Party]. What does she know?

“I think I will vote the Socialist Equality Party in the election. I’ve looked at other candidates and they are just walking around shaking hands with everybody.”

Brenda is a retired local government worker who worked in Hull. She said, “I think this election David Davis called is a big con of the public. He knew Labour would not stand against him and then the Liberal Democrats stood down from challenging him. I think they made an arrangement, a pact before he decided to give up his seat.

“He knew full well he wasn’t risking his seat and that is why I would like to get the man out. I have considered myself a socialist all my life. I joined the Labour Party when I was 15. I still give them £2.50 a month, but don’t vote for them anymore. The problem with our voting system is that you can’t get minority parties elected.

“I think that we must have the voting system changed because as it stands the main parties have got it all tied up.

“All the main parties are the same now and everyone is baffled. They say, ‘We don’t know who to vote for now.’ People just feel disenfranchised and not just over voting but over a lot of things.”

From: World Socialist Website

New Party fights widespread mistrust of politicians

The New Party began life as a political think-tank five years ago but has recently re-launched itself as a party.

Spokesman and former soldier David Pinder has become its figurehead, standing in two local elections before joining the contest in Haltemprice and Howden.

“As a think-tank, we had got to the stage where we needed a new direction,” he said.
“We had published a number of policy papers which were largely ignored. The next step was forming a political party to give us a wider platform.”

Advocating a range of policies from fair taxation and cutting red tape for businesses to reducing the influence of the European Union, the party is spending around £20,000 on the by-election campaign.

It's a sizeable sum which has helped maintain a high-profile over the last fortnight, from the use of mobile billboards to the hiring of a plane towing a party banner over the constituency.

As a veteran of Army campaigns in Northern Ireland and tours of duty with Nato and the United Nations in Bosnia, Mr Pinder is no stranger to conflict.

However, even he admits to being surprised at having encountered hostility from Green Party activists in Cottingham and smiles and handshakes from a Monster Raving Loony Party supporter dressed in a suit made from bananas.

“Most of the candidates I've met have been very pleasant except the Greens,” said the 62-year-old.

“The overwhelming feeling I'm picking up from the public is that they don't really understand or even care about the 42-days detention issue.

“There's also a widespread mistrust of politicians and I can understand that from my days in the Army when the general feeling was that politicians were there to cheer you off and pat you on the back when you came home but inbetween they didn't really care what happened to you.

“As a new party, that's the biggest challenge of all - trying to win people's trust in you after so many other false political dawns over the years,” he added.

See the full article at this is hull and east riding

Fitzy is finding 'going tough'

Market trader Eamonn Fitzpatrick has been pounding the streets of Haltemprice and Howden since submitting his nomination form, speaking to voters before tomorrow's election.

He said: "Campaigning is very tough at the moment. There's not a lot of interest. The word on the street is that it's a meaningless election.

"I honestly think David Davis is going to get a shock up here. He's going to show the Tories up.

"It's a Conservative stronghold and he's going to win it without a doubt, unless a miracle happens. But the constituents can't understand what he's done and why he's sticking up for these people."

Mr Davis, who was Shadow Home Secretary, triggered a by-election last month when he resigned his Commons seat in protest at the decision to allow 42-day detentions for terror suspects.

Fruit and veg man Mr Fitzpatrick said: "A lot of people are with me on this 42 days treatment, people are in favour of it. I think it's a reasonable request from reasonable people.

"I'm disappointed with Bob Geldof and Tony Benn for supporting David Davis.

"He's no freedom fighter and I think he's bluffing it. I think he's going to get about 10,000 votes because there's a lot of bad feeling up here for him wasting public money. The electorate recognises it's an exercise in personal vanity."

'Fitzy' predicted the Green Party would come in second, with Lib Dem voters also supporting them.

See the full article at Northampton Chronicle & Echo

Tess Culnane - National Front

At the request of numerous local residents appalled by the failure of the Conservative and Labour Parties to address the serious issues facing Britain, the National Front is contesting the Haltemprice & Howden parliamentary by-election on 10th July 2008.

Tess Culnane of the National Front ( Britain for the British candidate ) for Haltemprice & Howden, is a well known campaigner on public health issues and recently stood as a National Front candidate for the Greater London Assembly. Tess has many family connections with Yorkshire and she will seek to broaden the focus of the by-election campaign away from the narrow issue of 42-day detention which prompted the resignation of David Davis.

Like Mr Davis, Tess sees that Gordon Brown's government has betrayed our trust and threatens our traditional liberties, but unlike Mr Davis her opposition to the present government is motivated by consistent principle rather than shallow opportunism and personal ambition.

We must look at the broader reasons leading to the current terrorist threat and the 42 day issue.

Gordon Brown and Tony Blair took Britain into a war which was against our national interest: an illegal, immoral and self-defeating war which sacrifices British soldiers and Iraqi men, women and children for the sake of Israeli interests, while damaging our own national security.

David Davis and the Conservatives supported this disgraceful war and continue to support the occupation of Iraq - it is sheer hypocrisy for them now to quibble about some of its consequences. The Bush White House and its Israeli allies are now trying to drag us into a further destructive war with Iran. David Davis and David Cameron have done nothing to oppose the plans for this second war, which will make the current terrorist threat and the 42-day issue seem trivial.

The Labour and Conservative Parties have been jointly responsible for sixty years of mass immigration into Britain, which has created the intractable racial conflict which Enoch Powell warned of in his famous 1968 speech. The Conservatives rejected Powell's warnings - we should now reject their crocodile tears.

The Lisbon treaty threatens to tear up Magna Carta and abolish even more of our British traditions. An extension of European control over our lives will include European arrest warrants, potentially even for Britons who have committed no offence under British law.
In many European countries academic writers (such as the British historian David Irving) and patriotic political activists (such as French National Front candidate Georges Theil) can be locked up for daring to question the political establishment. David Davis refuses to promise that a future Conservative government will repeal the Lisbon treaty.

The National Front will:

Withdraw British troops from Afghanistan and Iraq, allowing the Afghan and Iraqi peoples to resume control of their own destiny;

Reject the Labour-Conservative policy of war with Iran;

Turn back the tide of mass immigration, restoring a Britain for the British;

Offer a new deal to the Third World, allowing workers to return to their countries of origin to rebuild their economies and forge positive trading links with Britain across secure frontiers;

Reconstruct British manufacturing industry, pulling out of the European Union that continues to damage our economy and ending the Dutch auction of low wage immigrant labour that blights our younger generations;

Scrap the Lisbon treaty and restore the traditional values of Magna Carta.

The voters of Haltemprice & Howden have the chance to shake Britain's complacent political establishment on 10th July. The clearest positive message they could send to Gordon Brown is to vote for Tess Culnane, their National Front - Britain for the British candidate.

We are accused of racism, yet it is Gordon Brown's Labour government that slaughters Iraqi families while sacrificing British lives.
We are accused of fascism, yet it is Gordon Brown's Labour government that threatens to lock up our citizens for 42 days without charge.
We are accused of extremism, yet Gordon Brown's government lurches from one extreme to the other, throwing Abu Qatada into jail for six years without even charging him, then putting him and many others on the benefit payroll at taxpayers' expense.

It is time to end this madness by turning away from the failed policies of the old gang politicians.

Vote National Front - Britain for the British.
Vote for Tess Culnane on 10th July in Haltemprice & Howden.


Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Leaflets from Haltemprice & Howden

The has posted a report on some of the leaflets being sent to the voters of Haltemprice and Howden

Pro-world peace, giant lizards, carpenters for king... No. 1

I have the fortune (or not) to be in possession of leaflets from 17 of the 25/26 candidates in the Haltemprice and Howden by-election. And, may I say, there are some real corkers!

I'm going to ignore the Official Monster Raving Loony Party, the Green Party, Gemma Garrett (Miss Great Britain Party and a regular on the by-election circuit) and Jill Saward, the anti-rape campaigner and Grace Astley, a teacher, because they're insufficiently interesting, in my humble opinion.

This says everything about the candidate line-up...

Follow the above link to see what the leaflets say...

SIR Bob Geldof has called on voters in Haltemprice and Howden not to let apathy win the day.

The former Boomtown Rat singer provided the latest twist to an already extraordinary campaign yesterday by offering his support to David Davis during an event in Hull.

With Mr Davis sharing a stage at the Guildhall, Sir Bob urged people to vote in what he described as a “unique election”.

He said: “You are being asked to decide what kind of people you are and what kind of country you want.

“You are being asked to vote about us and you will probably never be asked to vote on something so profound again.”

The poverty campaigner said he decided to support Mr Davis's stance on freedom and civil liberties after watching his resignation speech on TV.

He said: “I was told David Davis was out on a limb on this one but it is the right limb to be on.

“It is a limb I am proud to join him on and it's the same limb William Wilberforce clambered out and perched himself on in this very town.

“This is not about the grotesqueness of slavery, but it is about justice, liberty and your rights.”

Sir Bob said he was not bothered about being linked to Mr Davis's Tory party.

“I am not a party guy. If it was Labour or a Liberal Democrat doing this I would be here,” he said.

After being barred from the event, Independent candidate David Icke described it as “a sham”.
From: this is hull and east riding

Gemma Garrett says voters should take her seriously

Beauty queen Gemma Garrett says voters should take her seriously in her bid to become the next MP for Haltemprice and Howden.

The 26-year-old glamour model is standing for the Miss Great Britain Party against David Davis in the by-election.

Having won the Miss Great Britain title earlier this year, she is now aiming for a seat in Westminster.

Launching her campaign in the same hotel where Mr Davis had formally opened his own campaign an hour earlier, she arrived fashionably late but with a perfect excuse.

“We drove up here overnight and I only got to bed at 6am. Trust me, I didn't look like a beauty queen an hour ago!” she joked.

Clutching a designer Union Jack handbag bought by a friend in New York, she quickly got into her stride.

She said: “Some people might think it's a joke but I'm deadly serious about standing.
“When I won Miss Great Britain I was determined not to be classed as just another beauty queen with no real opinions of my own. I wanted to make a difference.

“That's why I stood in the Crewe by-election and that's why I'm here in Haltemprice and Howden.”

Although no one in her family is into politics, she says her upbringing in Belfast taught her to speak her mind.

“I've never been afraid of putting my opinions across, it's something I've always done,” she said.

“I don't agree with the reason behind this by-election. David Davis should never have resigned, he should have stood up for himself in Parliament.

“I also think there are more important issues to talk about than just 42-day detention.

“My big passion is how our soldiers are being treated by the Government. I've got two cousins who have been to Iraq and Afghanistan and the stories I've heard from them are frightening.

“We should be talking about how we can improve their pay and their equipment, not worrying about CCTV.”

Miss Garrett now intends to squeeze visits to as many towns and villages in the constituency as she can between modelling assignments.

However, she will miss the final Sunday of the campaign as she is the official face of the British Grand Prix.

Posing in a figure-hugging dress and Miss GB tiara outside a hotel in Willerby, she said: “I don't really know the area, but I'm looking forward to meeting as many people as I can. I've already met David Davis and he seems very nice.

“When people meet me and I get talking to them they soon realise I'm not just a stereotypical lads mag model.”

The Miss Great Britain Party, a political arm of the Miss Great Britain competition, had two candidates in the Henley by-election.

With each by-election comes plenty of publicity for the party’s candidates, in addition to that generated by the competition.

Although, those wanting to know more about their policies can view details under a special “political party” section on the competition’s website.

The party’s manifesto includes ensuring a better deal for mothers who take time off work to have children and a compulsory health and beauty education to improve the looks of Britons.
From: this is hull and east riding