SNP gain from Labour
Majority 365
If you have any interest or involvement in any current or past by-election, then this is the place for you. Brought to you in association with British Parliamentary By Elections Since 1945
Re-count is being called for with talk of a majority of 354 for the SNP.
Turnout is 42% (6% down on the general election) and most of the talk is of a SNP win.
IF THE SNP don't pull off a self-styled "political earthquake" in Glasgow East today, it won't be for want of trying.
THE battle for Glasgow East looked like going down to the wire last night, with the SNP claiming the race was "neck and neck" and Downing Street predicting a Labour victory by about 1,000 votes.
Ian Robertson, Liberal Democrat candidate for the Glasgow East by-election, this morning presented a petition to save Parkhead Fire Station from closure to Glasgow City Council.
The Scottish National Party welcomed the publication of a poll released today, which shows that only 46% of people believe that Labour can win the Glasgow East by-election, while 51% said the SNP would govern Glasgow East better than Labour and only 24% disagreed.
There are nine candidates vying to succeed Labour's David Marshall in the Glasgow East by-election on 24 July.
Parties contesting the Glasgow East by-election have been out and about on the penultimate day of campaigning.
Labour is facing humiliation in Thursday's Glasgow East by-election, with less than a thousand votes separating it from defeat in one of the party's safest seats.
Ian Robertson, Liberal Democrat candidate for the Glasgow East by-election, was today joined by Deputy Leader and Shadow Chancellor Vince Cable talking to local residents about their continued concerns over the rising cost of living.
Vote for Solidarity and Tricia McLeish;
SNP join holiday spirit with special Fair Monday postcard
You can see what all the Glasgow East candidates have to say for themselves at BBC News - Glasgow East: Candidate profiles
THE GLASGOW East byelection on 24 July could have political effects well beyond which big business party candidate gets sent down to Westminster. The byelection follows the resignation, for family and health reasons, of Labour MP David Marshall who had a huge majority, over 13,000 (44%), in 2005.
Gordon Brown was desperately fending off damaging charges last night that he had attempted to bribe voters in the Glasgow East constituency by announcing a fuel duty freeze only a week ahead of the by-election.
SNP Candidate Cllr John Mason today visited the Community Health Shop in Barlanark - a project given £70,000 lifeline funding by the SNP Government. He was accompanied on his visit by Cabinet Secretary for Health Nicola Sturgeon who authorised the funding for the centre.
Why is the Glasgow East byelection being held?
Conservative David Davis has been re-elected as the MP for Haltemprice and Howden. He won the by-election with a majority of 15,355 votes. Here is the result in full:
ASTLEY Grace Christine Independent 77
The full list of candidates and their websites:
Nearly two thirds of people do not support the Government's move to extend pre-charge detention for terror suspects to 42 days.
The by-election now raging in Yorkshire will cost the taxpayer more than £200,000.
A free mailshot provided to each of the 26 candidates will cost £112,600, says the Royal Mail, while East Riding Council – which is footing the bill for the contest – estimates the total cost will be at least £95,000.
The by-election was called by former Shadow Home Secretary David Davis, who resigned his seat last month to raise awareness of the Government's supposed erosion of civil liberties. But instead of debating with Labour, he has been forced to contest the Haltemprice and Howden constituency with candidates including David Icke, Miss Great Britain, Bus Pass Elvis and former Eurovision contestant Ronnie Carroll, standing under the party name Make Politicians History.
Yesterday Shadow Chancellor George Osborne described Mr Davis' decision to fight the by-election as courageous and accused the Prime Minister of being "scared of democracy".
An Ulster-born beauty queen has denied breaking electoral rules by making a donation to a football team while she is standing in the by-election sparked by the resignation of shadow home secretary David Davis.
Socialist Equality Party member Richard Turner, who is acting as the election agent for SEP candidate Chris Talbot, was able to address a public forum for candidates in the Haltemprice and Howden by-election. Talbot was attending another engagement.
The New Party began life as a political think-tank five years ago but has recently re-launched itself as a party.
Market trader Eamonn Fitzpatrick has been pounding the streets of Haltemprice and Howden since submitting his nomination form, speaking to voters before tomorrow's election.
He said: "Campaigning is very tough at the moment. There's not a lot of interest. The word on the street is that it's a meaningless election.
"I honestly think David Davis is going to get a shock up here. He's going to show the Tories up.
"It's a Conservative stronghold and he's going to win it without a doubt, unless a miracle happens. But the constituents can't understand what he's done and why he's sticking up for these people."
Mr Davis, who was Shadow Home Secretary, triggered a by-election last month when he resigned his Commons seat in protest at the decision to allow 42-day detentions for terror suspects.
Fruit and veg man Mr Fitzpatrick said: "A lot of people are with me on this 42 days treatment, people are in favour of it. I think it's a reasonable request from reasonable people.
"I'm disappointed with Bob Geldof and Tony Benn for supporting David Davis.
"He's no freedom fighter and I think he's bluffing it. I think he's going to get about 10,000 votes because there's a lot of bad feeling up here for him wasting public money. The electorate recognises it's an exercise in personal vanity."
'Fitzy' predicted the Green Party would come in second, with Lib Dem voters also supporting them.
At the request of numerous local residents appalled by the failure of the Conservative and Labour Parties to address the serious issues facing Britain, the National Front is contesting the Haltemprice & Howden parliamentary by-election on 10th July 2008.
Tess Culnane of the National Front ( Britain for the British candidate ) for Haltemprice & Howden, is a well known campaigner on public health issues and recently stood as a National Front candidate for the Greater London Assembly. Tess has many family connections with Yorkshire and she will seek to broaden the focus of the by-election campaign away from the narrow issue of 42-day detention which prompted the resignation of David Davis.
Like Mr Davis, Tess sees that Gordon Brown's government has betrayed our trust and threatens our traditional liberties, but unlike Mr Davis her opposition to the present government is motivated by consistent principle rather than shallow opportunism and personal ambition.
We must look at the broader reasons leading to the current terrorist threat and the 42 day issue.
Gordon Brown and Tony Blair took Britain into a war which was against our national interest: an illegal, immoral and self-defeating war which sacrifices British soldiers and Iraqi men, women and children for the sake of Israeli interests, while damaging our own national security.
David Davis and the Conservatives supported this disgraceful war and continue to support the occupation of Iraq - it is sheer hypocrisy for them now to quibble about some of its consequences. The Bush White House and its Israeli allies are now trying to drag us into a further destructive war with Iran. David Davis and David Cameron have done nothing to oppose the plans for this second war, which will make the current terrorist threat and the 42-day issue seem trivial.
The Labour and Conservative Parties have been jointly responsible for sixty years of mass immigration into Britain, which has created the intractable racial conflict which Enoch Powell warned of in his famous 1968 speech. The Conservatives rejected Powell's warnings - we should now reject their crocodile tears.
The Lisbon treaty threatens to tear up Magna Carta and abolish even more of our British traditions. An extension of European control over our lives will include European arrest warrants, potentially even for Britons who have committed no offence under British law.
In many European countries academic writers (such as the British historian David Irving) and patriotic political activists (such as French National Front candidate Georges Theil) can be locked up for daring to question the political establishment. David Davis refuses to promise that a future Conservative government will repeal the Lisbon treaty.
The National Front will:
Withdraw British troops from Afghanistan and Iraq, allowing the Afghan and Iraqi peoples to resume control of their own destiny;
Reject the Labour-Conservative policy of war with Iran;
Turn back the tide of mass immigration, restoring a Britain for the British;
Offer a new deal to the Third World, allowing workers to return to their countries of origin to rebuild their economies and forge positive trading links with Britain across secure frontiers;
Reconstruct British manufacturing industry, pulling out of the European Union that continues to damage our economy and ending the Dutch auction of low wage immigrant labour that blights our younger generations;
Scrap the Lisbon treaty and restore the traditional values of Magna Carta.
The voters of Haltemprice & Howden have the chance to shake Britain's complacent political establishment on 10th July. The clearest positive message they could send to Gordon Brown is to vote for Tess Culnane, their National Front - Britain for the British candidate.
We are accused of racism, yet it is Gordon Brown's Labour government that slaughters Iraqi families while sacrificing British lives.
We are accused of fascism, yet it is Gordon Brown's Labour government that threatens to lock up our citizens for 42 days without charge.
We are accused of extremism, yet Gordon Brown's government lurches from one extreme to the other, throwing Abu Qatada into jail for six years without even charging him, then putting him and many others on the benefit payroll at taxpayers' expense.
It is time to end this madness by turning away from the failed policies of the old gang politicians.
Vote National Front - Britain for the British.
Vote for Tess Culnane on 10th July in Haltemprice & Howden.
The has posted a report on some of the leaflets being sent to the voters of Haltemprice and Howden
Pro-world peace, giant lizards, carpenters for king... No. 1
I have the fortune (or not) to be in possession of leaflets from 17 of the 25/26 candidates in the Haltemprice and Howden by-election. And, may I say, there are some real corkers!
I'm going to ignore the Official Monster Raving Loony Party, the Green Party, Gemma Garrett (Miss Great Britain Party and a regular on the by-election circuit) and Jill Saward, the anti-rape campaigner and Grace Astley, a teacher, because they're insufficiently interesting, in my humble opinion.
This says everything about the candidate line-up...
SIR Bob Geldof has called on voters in Haltemprice and Howden not to let apathy win the day.
Beauty queen Gemma Garrett says voters should take her seriously in her bid to become the next MP for Haltemprice and Howden.